Thursday, December 26, 2019

Deregulation Is The Underlying Cause Of The 2007 / 08...

Deregulation is a process that removing or reducing the regulations and allowing banks to invest (MBA lib, 2015). It allows banks to collaborate, and there’s no regulations of derivatives. The Financial crisis in 2007-2008 brought the massive hurt to everyone in the world. The worldwide financial problem affected thirty million people loosing their jobs and cause many countries getting close to go bankrupt (Peah, 2014). This is the global issue that everyone should be consider of. The purpose of this essay is to determine if the deregulation was the underlying cause of the 2007/08 financial crisis. The essay argues the deregulation was the underlying cause of the 2007/08 financial crisis in the US, because of it causes financial innovations with no regulations, subprime mortgages increasing and lead quite a few competitions among banks. I will discuss these three parts in the following essay. Firstly, I would focus on how deregulation causes more and more financial innovations be made and how they resulted the financial crisis. Then I will argue that deregulation leads to the numbers of subprime mortgages increased in the market. Due to deregulation the subprime mortgages markets started to lose control, the market failed and caused the financial crisis in 2007/08. Finally, I will state deregulation causes banks began multiple competitions among them and raised the amount of subprime mortgages thus the financial crisis occurred. Deregulation, as the beginning of the essayShow MoreRelatedThe Financial Crisis Of 2007-20091490 Words   |  6 PagesThe financial crisis of 2007-2009 resulted from a variety of external factors and market incentives, in combination with the housing price bubble in the United States. 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December 8, 2012 Table of Contents The Great Recession of 2008 and the Dawn of Dodd-Frank †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 3 The History of Financial Reform in the United States †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Why Can t I Buy A House Los Angeles You Do Not Make...

Why can’t I buy a house in Los Angeles? You do not make enough money. Why can’t I find a job? You did not attend a high ranked school. Why did I drop out of high school? Your parents were a negative influence. Why am I fat? You maintain an unhealthy diet and fail to exercise. All answers to the questions above seem simple enough; however, following are the same questions with alternate responses: Why can’t I buy a house in Los Angeles? You cannot afford to buy a house in L.A. on the minimum wage you earn. Why can’t I find a job? You are woman with young children. Why did I drop out of high school? The educational system is corrupt. Why am I fat? You are a low-income African American man who can only afford to eat fast food. Poverty,†¦show more content†¦Some may even argue that people are born with the â€Å"obese gene† and blame the condition on heredity. However, there are several social factors which contribute to the epidemic. Studies have shown that poverty rates for minority groups, such as Blacks and Hispanics, are significantly higher. Furthermore, Blacks and Hispanics are more likely to become obese than Whites. This isn’t just a coincidence. The United States has a long history of inequality and disparities between races. The country’s economic policies tend to favor the wealthy so it shouldn’t be surprising to learn that there is a huge wealth gap between people of color and Whites in America. This gap is large enough so it defines the standard of living in the U.S. The poor population of the country is unable to live up to that standard and hence, faces many issues. Obesity is just one of them. Today, you can practically get an entire meal for under a buck at your local fast food restaurant. Fast food chains, such as McDonald’s and Taco Bell, have sole interest: they want to increase their market share. They do this by lowering prices of their greasy hamburgers and oily fries and since consumers are broke, it sounds like a win-win situation. Customers get cheap food and restaurants make more money for their shareholders. It’s all good until somebody gets hurt, right? Well, in this case, somebody gets hurt. The poor people who can’t afford to eat

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Report on Staff Requirement

Question: Write report on staff requirement. Answer: 1. Preparation of roster for the fortnight MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THRUSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY Name Hours Hourly rate Pay Manager 38.0 $25.00 950.00 4 P.M. - 12 A.M. 4 P.M. - 9 P.M. 4 P.M. - 9 P.M. 4 P.M. - 12 A.M. 4 P.M. - 12 A.M. 4 P.M. - 12 A.M. Supervisor 38.0 $19.00 #NAME? 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. 10 A.M. - 3 P.M. 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. 24 Bar Person No.1 38.0 $13.00 #NAME? 12 P.M. - 5 P.M. 12 P.M. - 5 P.M. 12 P.M. - 5 P.M. Bar Person No.2 #NAME? #NAME? 4 P.M. - 12 A.M. 12 P.M. - 5 P.M. 39 Bar Person No.3 #NAME? #NAME? 4 P.M. - 12 A.M. 4 P.M. - 12 A.M. Employee #6 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #7 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #8 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #9 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #10 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #11 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #12 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #13 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #14 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #15 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #16 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #17 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #18 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #19 #NAME? #NAME? Employee #20 #NAME? #NAME? 2. Sales Projection for each week Sales Projection for First Week:- Morning Tea Lunch Afternoon Tea Dinner Total Average Spending Total Revenue Monday 15 50 15 70 150 $30 $4,500 Tuesday 20 50 30 80 180 $30 $5,400 Wednesday 20 60 30 80 190 $30 $5,700 Thursday 30 80 20 90 220 $30 $6,600 Friday 35 100 30 120 285 $30 $8,550 Saturday 40 120 30 150 340 $30 $10,200 Sunday 30 100 30 130 290 $30 $8,700 TOTAL 190 560 185 720 1655 $30 $49,650 Sales Projection for Second Week:- Morning Tea Lunch Afternoon Tea Dinner Total Average Spending Total Revenue Monday 15 50 15 70 150 $30 $4,500 Tuesday 30 50 20 80 180 $30 $5,400 Wednesday 30 65 30 90 215 $30 $6,450 Thursday 20 85 30 100 235 $30 $7,050 Friday 30 100 35 130 295 $30 $8,850 Saturday 35 150 40 200 425 $30 $12,750 Sunday 30 130 30 150 340 $30 $10,200 TOTAL 190 630 200 820 1840 $30 $55,200 3. Calculation of projected payroll Calculation for Payroll Cost:- Payroll Cost for 1st Week Payroll Cost for 2nd Week Job Position Customer Per Hour Payroll Cost Hours per Shift Shift Total Hours Maximum Customer - 150 nos. Maximum Customer - 200 nos. 15 30 50 75 100 150 200 Management: Manager 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $25 38 1 38 $950 $950 Supervisor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 $19 38 1 38 $722 $722 Front House: Waiter 1 2 4 5 7 10 15 $13 38 1 38 $4,940 $7,410 Bartender 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 $13 38 1 38 $988 $1,482 Casual Staff 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 $16 3 4 12 $576 $576 Back House: Casual Staff 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 $16 3 4 12 $1,728 $1,920 TOTAL 6 9 12 15 19 26 33 $9,904 $13,060 4. Calculation of projected payroll as a percentage of sales Calculation for Payroll Cost Percentage:- Particulars Amount Total Sales in First Week A $49,650 Payroll Cost in First Week B $9,904 Payroll Cost Percentage in 1st Week B/A 19.95% Total Sales in Second Week A $55,200 Payroll Cost in Second Week B $13,060 Payroll Cost Percentage in 2nd Week B/A 23.66% Calculation for Payroll Cost Percentage inclg. Ancillary Cost:- Particulars Amount Sales in First Week A $49,650 Add : Ancillary Cost B $8,441 Total Sales in First Week C $58,091 Payroll Cost in First Week D $9,904 Payroll Cost Percentage in 1st Week C/D 17.05% Sales in First Week A $55,200 Add : Ancillary Cost B $9,384 Total Sales in First Week C $64,584 Payroll Cost in First Week D $13,060 Payroll Cost Percentage in 1st Week C/D 20.22% 5. Monitoring the effectiveness of roster The responsibility of managing the staff roster is a key activity for any management. The major highlights for the purpose of preparing the roster plan are given below as follows: It needs to be ensured that the monitoring of the staff roster is done by a competent authority in correct number of amount and at right time. The team members of the organizations should have a reasonable amount of work loads and there is considerable amount of rest between each session for proper maintained of the roster activities. It can be observed that the maximum amount of pay in the roster is maximum for the mangers and minimum for the bar personnel. One of the most important aspects of the mentoring of the roster is the number of weekends offered to the staffs and the expectation made in the night duty of the employees in the bar. It needs to consider the number of routine shifts agreed by the staff member of the company. The monitoring activity involves the allotment of appropriate staff in the designated area of the specialized division of the roster chart. (Wood 2013). The human resource arrangement should be made available at all times for the purpose of proper allotment of the roster allocation of the days in the routine prepared for the employees and other working personals. (Guilding et al. 2014). 6. Development of the roster planning process In order to maintain an efficient roster and retain staff even in large corporations the management need to follows the above mentioned steps for the purpose of maintaining the roster: It is important to design the roster with individual names in an online environment. This will allow for the automatic updating of the employee list whenever there is any changes brought to employee routine. It is important to link the costing of the roster with the written rosters. The roster is maintained in separate subheadings, the new costs are revealed on daily basis. According to modern system maintaining the roster the cost elements are not only revealed but the roster plan also allows for appropriate amount of forecasting and budgeting to be performed on the roster data. The wage budget can be set on backward basis and the work can be preceded on backward basis. This means that the individual employees and the mangers are responsible for maintaining their individual rosters. This will allow the individual working in the organization to maintain the proper amount of roster amount in order to keep the data organized and allow for the meeting or exceeding of the wage budget. It is ideal for the businesses to maintain the flexibility in planning of the roster but the Bistro also need to consider that the customer gets the first priority for their orders to be fulfilled and to ensure that the order are met on time. In order to ensure this if the roster budget needs to employees late in the late then the company needs to keep the provision for the purpose of keeping this flexibility of allowing the change to happen. For the purpose of developing the roster plan the company needs 5to ensure that it has extra amount of people for the purpose of adjusting the roster routine in order to meet with the flexibility of the roster routine. Although the bistro is open for seven days a week, the roster is planned in such a way that each individual employee gets holidays two days in a particular week. This allows of the employees in the organization to rotate the work routine and have work life balance between the busy working hours of the shift. (Riley, 2014). Report on staff requirement The staff requirement of the Bistro is segregated according to the job position and customer per hour. The job position has been further categorized into manager and supervisor. The front house staff has been categorized into waiter, bartender and casual staff. The back house has been categorized into casual staff. Based on the nature of service it has been observed that the highest number of staff is required as casual staff required are waiters in the restaurant. The total numbers of staff are segregated as per the customers per hour that need to serve. Hence it is observed that the number of the employees required to serve 200 numbers of the customers in the restaurant is 33, when the rate of customer attendance is 150 the number of staff which is needed is 26. Similarly more is the number of customers which is needed to be served; more is the number of requirement for the staff. (Buhalis and Crotts 2013). Reference List Buhalis, D. and Crotts, J., 2013. Global alliances in tourism and hospitality management. Routledge. Guilding, C., Lamminmaki, D. and McManus, L., 2014. Staff turnover costs: In search of accountability. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 36, pp.231-243. Riley, M., 2014. Human resource management in the hospitality and tourism industry. Routledge. Wood, R.C. ed., 2013. Key concepts in hospitality management. Sage.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Roderick Benjamin Essays - Racism, Reconstruction Era,

Roderick Benjamin Period 3 May 18 2017 Was Reconstruction of the South success? After the civil war there was reconstruction which was when they attempted to rebuild the south. Reconstruction of the south wasn't successful without free labor and slaves. Some of the reasons why is because of the KKK, segregation, and black codes. This was an important subject to blacks because of inequality. To begin with, the KKK was one of the many negative outcomes of reconstruction. KKK was created by Democrats. They murder both black and white Republicans because they don't believe every man was created equal equal rights. Another reason they were created was because black people were taking all of the jobs because they were not slaves any more. The KKK also approved with something called black codes. The KKK didn't help reconstruction because Amendment 14 says "All persons born or naturalized in the United States are citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction (power) the equal protection of the laws."(Document B) This is an example of how reconstruction was not a success. Secondly, Black Codes was another con of reconstruction. Black Codes were made by the Confederate states or the south. These codes were laws or rules that black people had to follow. Such rules made it nearly impossible to vote for blacks. For a black person to vote they would have to pass a literature test or pay a lot of money or get permission by a white person. An example of a black code is "No negro shall be permitted to rent or keep a house within the said parish." This goes into conflict with the 15 Amendment. The 15 Amendment says "The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." (Document C) This proves again that reconstruction wasn't a success. Lastly, Segregation didn't help reconstruction. Segregation means "Separate, but equal". Segregation was allowed in any country as long as it was separate but equal. It was supposed to be equal but it clearly was not. In Document F it shows a picture of two water fountains and one is old, gross, and it looks like it's made of scrap metal(colored). The other is nice, fancy, clean, and well made (white). Also if you were colored you had to sit in the back of the bus and back then that's where the motor of the bus was located so it could get really hot and that would be a pain in summer but a benefit in the winter. I know this from prior knowledge. This is ideal to how reconstruction was not a success. Rehabilitation concerning the south was not a benefit when it comes to equal rights. The reason was because of the KKK, Black Codes, and Segregation. The purpose on why we care for this situation is so we could move on from slavery and finally have same rights and so that we don't repeat Segregation and Black Codes and so we know that this whole situation was wrong and was not honorable.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Effects of Talk Show Viewing on Adolescents essays

Effects of Talk Show Viewing on Adolescents essays The article aims to assess whether data is consistent with critics claims on the effects of talk show viewing on the social reality beliefs of adolescents. Critics hypothesize the following negative effects occur (on adolescents) as a result of talk-show viewing: 1) a incessant focus on bizarre behavior and social deviance leading viewers to accept distorted versions of reality, 2) desensitization to the suffering of others occurs due to (regular) viewer immunity to graphic discussions and guest outbursts, 3) the trivialization of important social issues due to the oversimplification of difficult issues. In order to test the three hypotheses, a survey was administered to 282 high school students ranging in age from 13-18. Students answered questions about their attitudes towards social issues and related media use and talk show viewing behavior. The study analyses was limited to daytime television talk shows featuring non-celebrity individuals discussing their personal lives and pr oblems. The authors the study based on the interpretive theory of communication. They attempted, through the survey, to uncover the ways in which talk-shows do/do not influence adolescents in arriving at their general meaning of social reality. Interpretive theories describe the process whereby the active mind [the adolescents] uncovers the meanings of experience [bizarre topics] in whatever form it may take [talk-show viewing]. The results of the survey provided support for the first hypothesis, disputed the second and proved contrary to the third, actually establishing a positive relationship between talk-show viewing and the importance of social issues. Although talk-shows have an effect on adolescents, the data did not suggest that adolescents are corrupted by watching them. Stacey Davis and Marie-Louise Mares, Effects of Talk Show Viewing on Adolescents, Journal of Communication, (1988) p.69-85. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

revo----lution essays

revolution essays Throughout the course of history, in the Untied States of America, many groups have beneficially influenced the modern day practices and values of the American citizenry. Most Americans hold organizations such as the NAACP, womens civil rights movement, and ACLU in high regard for their contributions and dedication to the working class. However, the Industrial Workers of the World, better known as the IWW, have been brushed under the carpet even though the contributions they have made to the modern day labor force is truly immeasurable. So why is this the case? Is it because the IWW functioned on Anarchist Syndicalism principles and were thought of as Unamerican in a Democratic society? Is it because America embraces capitalism while the IWWs revolutionary vision focused on capitalism as the demise of the working class? The answer to both these questions is probably yes! This, however, is a true tragedy! The IWW when brought under close examination not only had a huge impact on mode rn day labor practices, but also the goals and the means that were employed to produce them are uniquely American rather than Unamerican as most Americans believe. During the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the working class in the United States was simply modern day slavery to big business. Much of the working class worked long hours in unsafe conditions and were paid very little for their work. However, they could not simply stop working because many workers had families to clothe, feed, and shelter. As conditions worsened, some members were beginning to become irate at big business owners and formed a revolutionary union in Chicago in 1905 called the Industrial Workers of the World . In order to fight big business and capitalism, the general goal of the IWW was to combine the American working class and eventually wage earners all over the world into one big labor union with an industrial basis and a ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Hamlet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Hamlet - Essay Example relationship between siblings is often an indication of the general condition of love and cohesiveness in the family, which is desirable for harmonious living. Inasmuch as effective sibling relationship is encouraged in the family, there are special incidents where it has developed to incest, where siblings engage in sexual relations. Sometimes the father can have an incest relationship with his daughters and boys or the mother engages in an incest relationship with the sons and so forth (Sanni 143). Universally, incest relationship is often regarded as a taboo, yet a lot of arguments over this perspective have increasingly been emerging. This research explores the concept of incest and incestuous desire, examining at how it has become prevalent in the contemporary society. In facilitating this research, emphasis was placed in the quantitative methodologies, which included an examination of the journals and other research works that have been done on the same concept. This also included a number of books and published sources that have been authored on the evolving nature of human relationship. Additionally, some qualitative methods like interviewing were also done among respondents that have experienced this kind of relationships. Community social workers were also engaged in focus group discussions in trying to find out some of the perspectives that have been held by some people concerning this topic. The need for focus group discussion was thought as very effective in that it helped answer some of the crucial questions that many people have continued to hold on the prevalence e of this relationship, inasmuch as it has traditionally been regarded as a taboo. Resource persons, who included community and opinion leaders were also of great help towards understanding the community and cultural perspectives on incest. For a long time, the idea of incest and incestuous relationships has been understood from the traditional, modernist, as well as liner perspective.